Tropiway Cocoyam is a type of fufu made from cocoyam, a starchy root vegetable similar to taro. Fufu is a popular food in West Africa. It is made by boiling starchy vegetables and then pounding them until they have the texture of dough.
Tropiway Cocoyam Fufu is made by peeling, chopping, and boiling the cocoyam until it gets soft. After the cocoyam has been softened, it is pounded with a mortar and pestle until it is smooth and dough-like. The fufu can be made into balls or patties and served as a side dish.
Tropiway is a brand that makes many different African foods, like cocoyam fufu. Cocoyam fufu is a popular alternative to other fufu, and its unique taste and texture make it a popular choice. It doesn’t have gluten and is a good source of vitamins and fiber. Cocoyam fufu is a common ingredient in West African food, and it is often served with soups, stews, and sauces.